Rabu, 11 September 2013


Hai, lemme introduce you to my colleagues :)
These people who's always around me 
9 ours a day, 
5 days a week.
i love them, well sometimes i really wanna punch everyone of em who pissed me off, but by time flow, my piques turn into funny memory.
They don't know i putted their face into online media like this, if they're knew, hahaha can't imagine :p

Me and lydia have a "panggilan sayang" to our annoying bosses.
Hahahahhahahahahahha gossiping is our kind of way to shoo the pique or sleepiness :p
Such an unforgetable moment i've got here.
Thank you so much, PT Panen Lestari Basuki :) 
God bless you all

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